Constitution & Bylaws
The Bylaws of
Houston Canterbury Episcopal Campus Ministry
Houston, Texas
The Episcopal Diocese of Texas
Article One
Name: The name of the organization shall be Houston Canterbury Episcopal Campus Ministry. The organization may also be known as “Houston Canterbury”.
Article Two
Affiliation: Houston Canterbury is a mission of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas (hereinafter referred to as “the Diocese”), under the doctrine, discipline and worship and the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church. Houston Canterbury accedes to to the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese, and acknowledges their authority. The Board exists under the authority and oversight of the Bishop and the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Texas, (hereinafter referred to as the “Bishop” and “Standing Committee” and all decisions and actions of the Houston Canterbury shall be accountable to the review of the Bishop and the governing committees of the Diocese.
Mission: The Mission of Houston Canterbury is to seek & serve Christ in all persons, throughout our campuses and beyond.
Houston Canterbury will serve the campuses and communities of the University of Houston, Texas Southern University, Houston Community College, the University of Houston Downtown, San Jacinto College and may also serve other colleges or universities in the Houston area.
Houston Canterbury is a loving, liberating, and life-giving community of college students. That means we value the Scripture by teaching you to read it in context. We worship hard and we serve hard. We’ll give chances to meditate and ask questions. We faithfully love others and we drop dogmas that divide. We celebrate LGBTQ+ persons and support science. We value exploration over indoctrination. We seek justice and healing without hating other faiths.
Goals: To attain its mission, Houston Canterbury will:
1) Minister to and serve the spiritual and social needs of the campus communities in a nurturing environment.
2) Provide a weekly time of worship including the celebration of Holy Eucharist, a variety of music and liturgy.
3) Provide regular opportunities throughout the school tear for Bible study or religious formation and education.
4) Reach out to the community through a newsletter published once a semester that promotes spiritual growth, provides information about activities, news of general membership, and prayerful needs.
5) Offer retreats at least once per year for spiritual renewal through fellowship and worship.
6) Provide appropriate activities during major church feast days that occur during the school year.
7) Have meetings and events each semester with each of the colleges and universities Houston Canterbury serves.
8) Identify liaisons with other ministries on our campuses to establish relationships with those ministries.
9) Provide fellowship opportunities each semester.
10) Incorporate new members into the leadership of Houston Canterbury.
11) Create and maintain mutually supportive relationships with Episcopal churches nearby and throughout Houston, especially those nearest to our campuses.
12) Communicate monthly with colleagues in nearby Episcopal Churches.
13) Share events, physical space, and worship as appropriate with neighboring congregations.
14) Promote attendance and involvement at local Episcopal Churches and invite other churches to participate with Houston Canterbury.
15) Build ties to communities by serving others through outreach to foster spiritual growth in a variety of environments.
16) Provide opportunities for group service projects throughout the semester.
17) Support other campus ministries with similar mission, and values to Houston Canterbury on our various campuses, especially those ministries of denominations with which the Episcopal Church has official relationships.
18) Monitor the organization’s implementation of its mission and goals.
Article Three
Membership: Regular membership shall be open to students, faculty, staff and friends of the University of Houston, Texas Southern University, Houston Community College, the University of Houston Downtown, San Jacinto College. Membership will not be restricted on the basis of age disability, ethnicity, gender, national origin, race religion, sexual orientation or political affiliation. One may become an official member of Houston Canterbury by signing a registration form. The campus missioner shall be responsible to ensure that the membership lists are accurate and that registration is available throughout the school year, or shall designate a person to do so.
Article Four
Advisory Board: Houston Canterbury shall have an Advisory Board (hereinafter known as “the Board”) to assist in promoting the governance, policy, administration and overall health of the organization. The purpose of the Advisory Board is to support the work of the organization, its members and the Campus Missioner. The Advisory board shall not be a voting body, except as to matters pertaining to the organizing of the board itself, such as to nominate candidates to fill its own vacancies or replace outgoing members. The Advisory Board may also be permitted to vote, at the will of the Bishop of Texas, on limited other matters such as to support a Houston Canterbury member in discernment for potential ordained ministry. In all other matters the Advisory Board is to act in a purely non-voting capacity.
The Advisory Board must meet at least three (3) times per year. Such meetings must be synchronous, but may be in-person or virtual, with no more than one-third (1/3) of its members absent. Any member(s) absent must be fully updated by the Advisory Board Chairperson and the Campus Missioner, and make any reports to the Advisory Board within seven (7) days following the meeting.
All meetings of the Advisory Board shall be open for any Houston Canterbury member or for the general public to attend, and must be announced to the general membership of Houston Canterbury no less than seven (7) days in advance. Advisory Board may go into Executive Session if needed only for sensitive matters, only if two-thirds (2/3) of all Board members agree to do so.
Advisory Board Members: The Advisory Board shall consist of no less than six (6) and no more than twenty (20) members. The Board shall at all times endeavor such that students may be present and included in all discussions, decisions and events of the Board. Each Houston Canterbury college or university shall be represented by at least one member of the Board, not including satellite colleges. The Board shall include members currently or previously affiliated with at least three of the colleges or universities which Houston Canterbury serves. The Board shall endeavor, inasmuch is as possible, to include current or recently graduated Houston Canterbury students within its body. The Board shall also ensure a reasonable balance of diversity with regard to geography, expertise, race, ethnicity, gender, age, and other appropriate considerations. Members shall not be compensated monetarily for service on this Board unless designated allowed by the Bishop on an individual basis. This requirement shall not apply to reimbursements properly approved by the Board or the Diocesan Office.
All members of the Board are appointed by the Campus Missioner.
The full term of an Advisory Board member shall be three (3) years. A board member may be reappointed using the same procedure as for original appointment, for up to a second full (3) year term, but no Advisory Board member may serve more than six (6) consecutive years. In the event of a vacancy, the Campus Missioner and Board may nominate and appoint another person to fill such vacancy until the completion of the full term for which the vacancy has occurred. The terms of members of the Advisory Board shall be staggered per year, such that the term one-third (1/3) of the members shall expire at the conclusion of each school year and 1/3 of the board member positions shall become available for appointment in such manner. To facilitate the staggering of terms, members may be appointed for one-year or two-year terms as needed.
Any member may be subject to removal if such member is believed to have committed such action as to make them unsuitable to serve as a member of the Board, and may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board or by decision of the Bishop.
Nominating Committee: Each year the outgoing members of the Board shall serve as an ad hoc Nominating Committee to recommend new Board members. The Nominating Committee may nominate no fewer candidates than the number of outgoing Board members, and no more than twice the number of outgoing members, unless the Board has voted to increase or decrease its total membership. The Nominating Committee shall make its nominations each year no later than May 1st for the following school year.
The Nominating Committee shall submit candidates for the review of the Campus Missioner. The Campus Missioner shall choose from among the candidates submitted persons to fill the number of open positions for the following school year. The Campus Missioner then shall submit these persons to the full Advisory Board for a vote of approval. The full Advisory Board shall vote to accept the nominees no later than the final meeting of any school year, not later than June 15th. A majority vote of the full Board shall be sufficient to approve. If any candidates are not approved, the Campus Missioner may select other persons to the board for approval, which shall fill the number of open positions by June 30th.
Criteria & Expectations for Members of the Board: All Members of the Board shall:
1) Be baptized Christians, confirmed, or received into the Episcopal Church unless otherwise approved on an individual basis by a vote of a majority of the Board.
2) Pray for the ministry of Houston Canterbury and serve the ministry with Christian leadership.
3) Attend & participate in quarterly meetings, no less than three (3) times per year.
4) Attend & participate in monthly committee meetings as needed missing no more than two (2) meetings per year.
5) Commit time to performing duties related to committee membership between meetings.
6) Perform additional tasks assigned to one’s role as an officer if serving as an officer/committee chairperson.
7) Take part in activities or events in at least one (1) active Houston Canterbury location at least once per semester, for a minimum of (2) times per year. This requirement does not include attendance of quarterly Board meetings.
8) Be in conversation with the Campus Missioner, Board Chair and other Board members from time to time throughout the year.
Committees: The Advisory Board shall be composed of four (4) standing committees that shall operate throughout the year. Such committees shall be the Worship & Formation Committee, the Event Planning Committee, the Communications Committee, and the Executive & Finance Committee. Each committee must have at least two Board members and may include one or more Houston Canterbury students who are not on the Advisory Board:
Worship & Formation Committee: The Worship & Formation Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that all Houston Canterbury worship services are held to the glory of God in Christ and in accordance with the practices of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Texas.
The Chairperson of the Worship & Formation Committee shall also serve as the Chaplain to the Advisory Board.
The Worship & Formation Committee shall be responsible to complete the following tasks:
1) Pray for the ministry of Houston Canterbury and serve the ministry with Christian leadership, ensuring that all Houston Canterbury events be held in a spirit of prayer,
2) In connection with the Campus Ministers, participating students, and musicians, work together to prepare the liturgies and bulletins for all worship services,
3) Prepare any special programming to mark principal or significant feasts and fasts of the church calendar throughout the school year,
4) Work with the worship musicians and Campus Missioner to select appropriate and enriching worship music for each service.
5) Make certain that Houston Canterbury collaborate with other Episcopal congregations and campus ministries of other religious traditions, while remaining faithful to all requirements of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Texas,
6) Plan and prepare spiritual formation activities on topics of interest and importance to students and ensure that worship & formation be accessible to disabled persons.
7) Create opportunities for Episcopal formation, helping students to develop and understand their identity as members of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion
8) Work with any students preparing for Baptism, Reception or Confirmation, ensuring that they receive appropriate Christian education & formation in advance,
9) Ensure that each service is recorded in the Register of Church Services
10) Work with the Executive & Finance Committee to ensure that any expenses for worship and formation be properly budgeted, expended and accounted, according to best practices,
11) Work with the Communications Committee to ensure that all worship and formation events are properly advertised, and that news of such events be shared across all Houston Canterbury channels,
12) Work with the Event Planning Committee to ensure coordination of worship & formation events with all other Houston Canterbury events, and that worship attendees be encouraged to register themselves as members of Houston Canterbury.
Finance Committee: The Finance & Development Committee is responsible to support, assist, and provide accountability to the sound financial management of Houston Canterbury, and to facilitate and lead any fundraising or stewardship efforts on behalf of Houston Canterbury.
The Finance & Development Committee shall be responsible to complete the following tasks:
1) Pray for the ministry of Houston Canterbury and serve the ministry with Christian leadership.
2) Preparing the annual budget for Houston Canterbury for the review of the full Advisory Board.
3) Review the revenues and expenses of Houston Canterbury monthly
4) Provide a monthly written report or update to the Advisory Board each month containing a detailed review of Review revenues, expenses, remaining funds, and comparison to budget & previous year actuals.
5) Work with the Event Planning Committee to plan, prepare, and oversee any fundraising or stewardship events for Houston Canterbury
6) Oversee that any revenues, including from fundraising, are deposited, and accounted for appropriately at all times according to financial best practices.
7) Oversee that any expenditures are made and accounted for according to financial best practices
8) Ensure, along with the Communications Committee, that monthly and annual financial reports are made available on the Houston Canterbury website following their review by the Advisory Board.
9) Other duties as may be assigned from time to time.
Event Planning Committee: The Event Planning Committee shall be responsible for planning and leading in the execution of events throughout the year, especially during the Fall and Spring semesters, for the growth and enjoyment of the Houston Canterbury community. The Events Planning Committee shall facilitate both recurring events and one-time events and shall include events for each Houston Canterbury college and university.
The Chairperson of the Event Planning Committee shall be Vice-Chairperson of the Houston Canterbury Advisory Board.
The Event Planning Committee shall plan and execute events each semester of each of the following types: Worship, formation, fellowship and service,
The Event Planning shall be responsible to complete the following tasks:
1) Pray for the ministry of Houston Canterbury and serve the ministry with Christian leadership.
2) Lead the renewal and application process for Registered Student Organization status at each college and university at which Houston Canterbury can apply.
3) Coordinate with students, partners, and stakeholders to consider what sorts of events or series may be most useful in the following several months or year.
4) Plan events, whether digital or in-person, in coordination with the Campus Missioner as needed.
5) Coordinate with the Communications Committee to ensure effective advertising of events in advance, and coverage of events for digital and print communications afterward.
6) Coordinate with the Finance & Development Committee to budget for events, pay for any expenses, deposit any returns and account accurately according to financial best practices.
7) Execute events, or facilitate the execution of events, in coordination with the Campus missioner, throughout the semester.
8) Review events after their completion or at the end of each semester, with recommendations for future events and potential changes as needed.
9) Report monthly to the Advisory Board on events planned, events executed, and evaluation of completed events.
Communications Committee: The Communications Committee shall be responsible for ensuring an effective flow of information among the Campus Missioner, Board members, students, community members and Houston Canterbury educational institutions. The Communications Committee shall ensure the effective publication of information prior to and following Houston Canterbury events both digitally and in print as needed, as well as facilitating any advertising and promotional materials.
The Chairperson of the Communications Committee shall also serve as the Secretary of the Advisory Board.
The Communications Committee shall be responsible to complete the following tasks:
1) Pray for the ministry of Houston Canterbury and serve the ministry with Christian leadership.
2) Ensure an accurate membership list for all members, Board members and students, and enable any changes to the membership registration process.
3) Facilitate & ensure updating of Houston Canterbury digital and social media at least weekly throughout the year.
4) Ensure that the Houston Canterbury website is updated at all times, and oversee any necessary changes. Review website navigability, ease of use and effectiveness each semester.
5) Publish a newsletter at least monthly detailing Houston Canterbury news and supplementary information in both print and digital form, and ensure the sharing of such newsletter with Episcopal parishes in Harris County.
6) Facilitate the production and sending of a weekly news & events email to Houston Canterbury members and the extended community throughout the school year.
7) Assist in production, purchasing and oversight of any advertising materials or purchases.
8) Coordinate with the Finance & Development Committee on any financial expenditures related to communications, promoting fundraising events, to post monthly financial reports to the Houston Canterbury website and otherwise as needed.
9) Coordinate with the Event Planning Committee to promote, advertise, and report on all Houston Canterbury events and otherwise as needed.
Executive & Finance Committee: The Executive & Finance Committee shall be responsible for the overall coordination among committees, Board Members, Officers, students, the Campus Missioner and any other staff or stakeholders as needed. The Executive Committee is also responsible to oversee relations of Houston Canterbury with the Diocese, the colleges and universities and any other external bodies. This committee is also responsible to support, assist, and provide accountability to the sound financial management of Houston Canterbury, and to facilitate and lead any fundraising or stewardship efforts on behalf of Houston Canterbury.
The Chairperson of the Advisory Board shall also act as Chairperson of the Executive Committee and shall be considered an ex-officio member of all committees with freedom to participate in any as desired.
The Campus Missioner shall appoint a member of the Advisory Board to serve as Treasurer of Houston Canterbury, who shall oversee all aspects related to budget, finance, and financial accountability & transparency.
The Executive Committee membership shall consist of:
The Chairperson of the Advisory Board / Chairperson of Executive Committee
The Chairperson of the Event Planning Committee / Vice-Chairperson of the Advisory Board
The Treasurer
The Chairperson of the Worship & Formation Committee
The Chairperson of the Communications Committee / Secretary
Any other officer(s) as appointed jointly by the Campus Missioner and the Chairperson of the Advisory Board from time to time on an ad-hoc capacity or up to the end of each school year.
The Executive & Finance Committee shall meet no less than monthly quarterly, at least four eleven times throughout the calendar year. The Executive Committee may take a one month break during the summer, should such committee so desire. Such meetings must be synchronous, but may be in-person or virtual, with no more than one member absent. Any member absent must be fully updated by the Advisory Board Chairperson, Treasurer, or and the Campus Missioner, and make any reports to the Executive Committee within seven days following the meeting.
The Executive & Finance Committee shall be responsible to complete the following tasks:
10) Preparing the annual budget for Houston Canterbury for the review of the full Advisory Board.
11) Review the revenues and expenses of Houston Canterbury monthly
12) Provide a monthly written report or update to the Advisory Board each month containing a detailed review of Review revenues, expenses, remaining funds, and comparison to budget & previous year actuals.
13) Work with the Event Planning Committee to plan, prepare, and oversee any fundraising or stewardship events for Houston Canterbury
14) Oversee that any revenues, including from fundraising, are deposited, and accounted for appropriately at all times according to financial best practices.
15) Oversee that any expenditures are made and accounted for according to financial best practices
16) Ensure, along with the Communications Committee, that monthly and annual financial reports are made available on the Houston Canterbury website following their review by the Advisory Board.
17) Other duties as may be assigned from time to time.
Annual Review: The Executive Committee shall also facilitate and ensure an annual mutual review for the Campus Missioner and the Advisory Board. Such reviews shall reflect on areas of strength, needed areas for growth or improvement, and implementation plan for any needed changes. The Executive Committee and the Missioner may by mutual agreement institute multiple mutual reviews throughout the year if desired.
Article Five
Officers: the Campus Missioner and all members of the Executive Committee shall be considered the officers of Houston Canterbury, in addition to any persons temporarily appointed to the Executive Committee by the Missioner and Board. In coordination with the Executive Committee officers, the Campus Missioner may appoint a student or other Houston Canterbury member as an assistant officer to aid the office in the carrying out of their duties and for the purposes of learning and personal growth.
The responsibilities of the specific officers shall be the following:
Campus Missioner: The Campus Missioner, being appointed by the Bishop of Texas, shall serve at the pleasure of the Bishop and under the supervision of the Canon for Mission Amplification or such other diocesan supervisor the Bishop shall appoint. The Campus Missioner shall act as the Executive Director of Houston Canterbury and shall be the chief executor of all aspects of Houston Canterbury’s ministry. If the Campus Missioner is an ordained clergyperson, that person shall also serve as primary pastor to the Houston Canterbury members, students, Board and community. The Campus Missioner may is also to have direct charge over the worship and liturgy of Houston Canterbury, seeing to the effective provision of collective worship on a basis of at least once per week during the school year. The Campus Missioner shall serve according to the terms of their Letter of Agreement with the Diocese during their tenure in such position. The Campus Missioner may appoint an assistant chaplain, pastoral care assistant or other person such as may facilitate the exercise of the Missioner’s duties. The Campus Missioner also appoints student delegates to the annual Diocesan Council.
Advisory Board Chairperson: The Advisory Board Chairperson shall be responsible to ensure that the Advisory Board meets at least three times per year, and that the Executive Committee meets monthly no less than eleven times per year. The Board Chairperson shall also ensure that the agenda for each Advisory Board and Executive Committee meeting is sent to all members thereof no less than seven (7) days prior to such meeting and that meetings are called with no less than seven (7) days’ notice. The Board Chairperson shall serve as Chair of all meetings of the Advisory Board and Executive Committee or to delegate such duties to the Campus Missioner or Vice-Chairperson. It shall be the responsibility of the Board Chairperson to work alongside the Campus Missioner, Executive Committee and Advisory Board to see to it that all duties assigned to the Executive Committee and Advisory Board are executed according to these bylaws.
Vice-Chairperson: The Vice-Chairperson shall be responsible to serve as Board Chairperson including chairing meetings of the Advisory Board and Executive Committee in the temporary absence of a Chairperson. The Vice-Chairperson is responsible to see to it that all duties assigned to the Event Planning Committee are executed according to these bylaws.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible to report on the finances of Houston Canterbury at all meetings of the Advisory Board and Executive Committee, and to ensure the execution of all duties assigned to the Finance & Development Committee according to these bylaws.
Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible to maintain accurate membership records for Houston Canterbury at all times, report on such membership at each Advisory Board meeting, record minutes of each meeting of Executive Committee and Advisory Board, and ensure that such minutes are sent to all members thereof within seven (7) days after such meeting. The Secretary shall also ensure the execution of all duties assigned to the Communications Committee according to these bylaws.
Article Six
Conflicts of Interest: Houston Canterbury Employees and Board members have an obligation to conduct business within guidelines that prohibit actual or potential conflicts of interest. This policy establishes only the framework within which Houston Canterbury wishes its ministry to operate. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide general direction so that board members and employees can seek further clarification on issues related to the subject of acceptable standards of operation.
An actual or potential conflict of interest occurs when a board member or an employee is in a position to influence a decision that may result in personal gain or gain for a relative as a result of Houston Canterbury’s business dealings. For this policy, a relative is any person who is related by blood or marriage, or whose relationship with the board member or employee is similar to that of persons who are related by blood or marriage, such as a longtime exceedingly close friendship. No presumption of a conflict is created by the mere existence of a relationship with outside firms.
**If a board member or an employee has any influence on any material business transactions, it is imperative that he or she discloses to the Board Chairperson & Campus Missioner as soon as possible the existence of any actual or potential conflict of interest so that safeguards can be established to protect all parties.
Personal gain may result not only in cases where a board member, an employee, or a relative has a significant ownership in a firm with which Houston Canterbury does business, but also when a board member, an employee, or a relative receives any kickback, bribe, substantial gift, or special consideration as a result of any transaction or business dealings involving Houston Canterbury.
Article Seven
Additions and Alterations to these By-laws: Additions and addenda to the By-laws may be provided for as needed with the approval of the Campus Missioner by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members of the Advisory Board, notwithstanding objections by the Bishop, Canon for Mission Amplification or Standing Committee of the Diocese.