Photo above: A gathering of young adults at the 80th General Convention in Baltimore, Maryland

Diocese of Texas College Ministries at the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church!

June 22nd-27th, 2024

Please Read All Information Below

Once every three years, the General Convention of the Episcopal Church is held, which is the largest gathering of Episcopalians, the central decision-making body, and one of the most exciting events in the life of the church. The next General Convention will be held in late June 2024 in Louisville, Kentucky. This convention will feature thousands of Episcopalians from more than 100 dioceses in the United States and the 17 countries where the Episcopal Church is present, including as far as Europe, South America, and East Asia! The convention gathers in two “Houses,” the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies (laypeople and clergy), to discuss and consider resolutions, essentially decisions, and statements on behalf of the whole Episcopal Church. These actions can be very consequential, such as the decisions to welcome same-sex marriage and LGBTQIA+ people, our continuing actions to support reparations for slavery, and the ordination of women, all of which were decided at General Conventions.

At this convention we will witness the election of our next Presiding Bishop, (who is the President and Chief Pastor in the Episcopal Church) which only happens once every nine years. This will be the last General Convention for our amazing Presiding Bishop Michael Curry before he completes his term later this year. The college ministries of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas are gathering a group of students to attend the convention, participate in events and see the breadth & diversity of the church at work. We would love for you to join us!

Here is copy of the General Convention schedule for 2024.

And here is a great webinar called “General Convention Boot Camp” that tells you all about how General Convention works!


The dates would be June 22nd-27th, 2024 - (5 nights). This would be from the day before the Convention, when Bishop Curry is due to lead a pre-convention revival, to the day after the new Presiding Bishop's election. We will depart the day after welcoming the new Presiding Bishop-Elect! Here are some of the logistics we have planned:

  • We will fly out from Houston to Louisville in the morning on Saturday,June 22nd and return in the evening on Thursday, June 27th.

  • We expect to have about 13 college students from different universities around the Diocese of Texas and two campus ministers to guide the group.

  • We plan to be housed in a large AirBnB or VRBO house near Downtown Louisville & make a short commute by van to the Louisville Convention Center each day.

  • We will have Breakfast and dinner together at the house, and lunches will be on your own. There are many restaurants all around the Convention Center, and also meals available with a meal ticket when we are volunteering.

  • During the days of the Convention, students will be able to volunteer in many areas and see the action as it happens. Some opportunities are on the floor of the House of Deputies and House of Bishops where you can see the actions being discussed, in the exhibition hall where you can visit hundreds of booths from all sorts of organizations, and welcoming visitors from all over the world at the registration tables.

  • You can also visit committee hearings and testify on any issue that speaks to your heart and have a real impact on the decisions being made. Testifying is the best opportunity to make a difference!


Each student will be required to contribute $500 total. This includes travel, housing, meals, transportation and other costs. You must make a $100 nonrefundable deposit to your school’s campus ministry by April 7th, 2024 to reserve your spot. You can pay the remaining $400 at once or in several installments, as long as the full $500 contribution is received by June 1st, 2024. If the $500 contribution would be an unmanageable burden for you, please speak directly with your campus missioner who can connect you with fundraising and/or scholarship opportunities. Our goal is to ensure that no one would be prevented from participating for financial reasons.

Each student must have the permission of their campus missioner. Each campus ministry with participants attending the trip must contribute an additional $250 per participant to cover the costs for everyone.

Click here to sign up

To make your $100 deposit or final payment, visit the website of your university’s Episcopal campus ministry. Make sure to put the student’s name & “Mission Trip” in the memo line or email your campus minister so they know which contribution is yours.

Houston Canterbury (UH, TSU & UHD)

Austin Canterbury (UT Austin)

Episcopal Church at Rice

Episcopal Student Center at Texas A&M

Sam Houston State

Episcopal Student Center at Baylor

Tyler Canterbury & Stephen F. Austin

Prairie View A&M

South Austin Canterbury

Episcopal Student Ministry at Tarleton State

Presiding Bishop Curry leads a revival at the 79th General Convention (2018) in Austin, TX

Volunteers welcoming guests at the 80th General Convention in 2022

Laypeople, clergy, and one curious bird, gathered by diocese (see the decorated blue signs) on the floor of the House of Deputies at the 80th General Convention in Austin, TX, 2018

The LGBTQ Caucus at the 80th General Convention in 2022 in Baltimore, Maryland

The bishops of Texas receive a joyful hug from Presiding Bishop Curry and a round of jubilant applause to celebrate our reuniting with the Episcopal Church in North Texas at the 2022 General Convention

Some youth and young adult representatives meet Bishop Deon Johnson (far right) and Fr. Jamonde Taylor (second from left) at General Convention in 2022

Requirements to Attend:

  • Must be a student in good standing and an active member of an Episcopal ministry in the Diocese of Texas, with permission from your campus minister.

  • Must contribute a deposit of $100 to your campus ministry by April 7th, 2024. You must also make a final contribution of $400 by June 1st, 2024, either fundraised or personally contributed, at once or in installments ($500 total). Scholarships are on a case-by-case basis, by decision of your campus minister.

  • You must agree to follow the Seguarding and Misconduct Prevention policies of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Texas. Detailed instruction will be provided prior to the trip.

  • Must agree to follow the alcohol policy of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas and refrain from illegal drugs, sexual behavior, and inappropriate conduct as defined by the policies of your university throughout the trip.

    If you have additional questions or concerns, contact the Episcopal campus minister at your school (see links above), or email:

    UH, TSU or UHD - Rev. Charles Graves,

    Rice University - Rev. Beth Anne Nelson

Several bishops gathered at a recent ordination service of a new bishop. An exciting development of the last several years is the increasing diversity within the bishops of the Episcopal Church!

Trip Agenda:

**Note: This agenda is subject to change as needed, but this will give you a good idea of what to expect for each day of our journey.

Saturday, June 22

Meet at Houston Airport (either IAH or HOU). Each student is responsible for their ride to the airport.

Houston to Louisville (SDF) flight

(Students are encouraged to get lunch at the airport to eat on the plane)

Arrival in Louisville & Baggage Claim

Shuttle from Phoenix Airport to Airbnb house

Settle into rooms

Revival with Presiding Bishop Curry at YUM Center

Dinner & relaxation time

Sunday, June 23

Breakfast at the house

Transportation to Convention Center

Morning Eucharist


Beginning of the Legislative session & volunteering

Dinner & check-in

Games & free time

Monday, June 24

Breakfast to go & Legislative Committee time

Morning Prayer & Legislative Session


Afternoon Legislative Session

Dinner hosted by the Diocese of Kentucky

Free time at the house

Tuesday, June 25

Breakfast to go & Legislative Committee time

Morning Prayer

Joint session with Presiding Bishop nominees!


Afternoon Legislative Session

Dinner & check-in at the house

Free time

Wednesday, June 26

Breakfast to go & Legislative Committee time

Morning Prayer

Presiding Bishop Election!


Afternoon Legislative Session

Dinner & check-in at the house

Free time

Thursday, June 27


Possible morning legislative session

Travel to airport & lunch

Louisville to Houston flight

Travel home safely (everyone responsible for their travel from Houston airport)

A few special visitors at the Diocese of Western Kanas table at General Convention 2022

A historically large class of African American members elected to the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church in 2022, which for the first time is majority BIPOC, an enormous accomplishment!

The Bishops and Deputies gathered together to hear an important discussion about racial reconciliation at General Convention.